Archive for the ‘Marketing Your Urban-Fiction’ Category

I recently found a few cool writing platforms that will help writers of any genre gain more exposure. It’s called Wattpad a Canadian based writing social network. It allows writers to post their work by the chapter or full manuscripts. Readers are allowed to read and vote on your content as well as discuss your work. It’s a social network specifically for writers. You can also rate your writing from PG, PG13 to Rated R.

How to use Wattpad for Marketing?

Creating a Wattpad account will give you excess to a large group of people interested in your genre of work. The benefits are countless starting with the great number of people who are already members. This allows you to create a large following, which can potentially attract traditional publishers if that is the route you wish to take. Another cool feature is that if you are already a published author you can give readers a sample of your work. When people have a sample they tend to leave feedback and reviews which all goes back to word of mouth marketing.

You will obviously need to create a profile and visit members. This is like any other social networking site when it comes to gaining friends. You scratch my back I’ll scratch yours is the rules we must go by.

How to Use Bookrix for Marketing?

For starters Bookrix is a reading platform that has a great deal to offer its members. Members of Bookrix are about to upload their books for other readers for free or to sale their work. If you select the sell option your book will be made available to major retailers including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Sony, Scribd and all of the other major retailers. It helps if you already have a professionally done book cover. They provide your book with an ISBN which is mandatory if you plan on selling your work. It also has a large member base so the potential of having readers interesting in purchasing your work is great. I personally suggest you offer your work or a few chapters for free for a few months to get a fan base and then offer it for sale. Incredible marketing tool as it gives members and opportunity to better their craft, gain feedback from their target audience and make their book better before presenting it to the rest of the world.

To read the first three chapters of my recently released urban fiction book “Platinum Dust”  for FREE you can visit me on Wattpad @ search Platinum Dust to read the first three chapters

or you can visit Bookrix for the first three chapters @ search Platinum Dust for the first three chapters

Remember to like my posts and follow my blog for more Urban Fiction News, Reviews and Real Resources!

small__163867388[1]     In my constant search for more ways to sell more books I have decided to take a closer look into Amazon’s Listmania! Many consumers enjoy sharing a great find which is why many companies covet the most powerful marketing strategy which is word of mouth marketing. In the world of modern-day technology word of mouth marketing is like hitting a gold mine. So Listmania! becomes a great way for authors to maximize exposure for their books. This post is dedicated to selling more books using the Amazon platform.

What is Listmania! ?

Amazon offers its customers an opportunity to create a list of their favorite things. They can build their lists according to their interest and other shoppers who are interested in the same types of items are free to view the list. The purpose of the lists is to help other shoppers find good reads or products. Its Amazon’s way of advertising more products by way of consumers. Listmania! lists can be named to make it easier to find and searched. Example: “Best Urban Fiction Books”

Benefits of Listmania!

The obvious benefits of using Listmania! from a marketing point of view is more exposure. Your book can be put on the same list with well-known authors. What makes this so exciting is that when people look up a genre for example urban fiction and they type in the name of a well-known competitor your book’s title will also appear as well. Having a few lists created with your book’s title on it means more potential exposure as well as more chances for reviews which also boosts your book on the Amazon search ranking.

Listmania! and You 

If you are a debut author you may not have a following however, Listmania! can aid you in getting more recognition, exposure and sales. The first step to getting a Listmania! list is to sign into your Amazon account, if you don’t have one you will need to create a profile. It is also possible Amazon may want you to make a purchase before you can set up a Listmania! list. You can buy a .99 cent ebook to speed up the process. Next, log into you account and go to your profile page. There will be a contributions page where you can select lists. You will need to name the lists, tell why you are qualified. “writer” or “reviewer or even lover of the genre” should be satisfactory.

If you are a writer creating the list you will not want to avoid the intro section of your lists. This will give people an idea of what your list is about or what they can expect to see. Add items to your list and though it may be tempting authors shouldn’t list their book on the top instead place titles of well known competitors at the top and then yours a few down on the list. It will help look less marketing strategy. After your list is created implore the assistance of family and friends who would be willing to do the same. When people do a search for urban fiction, Listmania! will automatically feature lists with relevant content or titles. People who are familiar with your competitors who are more known will see your title and may be compelled to get a copy to see what your story is all about.

What to expect from Listmania! ?

 New authors should not expect this to produce a great deal of sales if this is their only form of marketing. Remember marketing is multi-faceted. it should be a part of a bigger marketing plan. Combining your other marketing attempts with an Amazon Listmania! list can prove to be profitable especially in the hungry Urban fiction market. The more lists your book is on the more it will it will show up on the search.


Hope the info has been helpful. Don’t forget to like my posts and Follow my blog for updates on the latest Urban Fiction News, Reviews and Resources!!!! 

 photo credit: <a href=””>Pierre Metivier</a> via <a href=””>photopin</a> <a href=””>cc</a>

If you are done writing your urban fiction title and followed the steps found in “The No Bull Method to Publishing” then this post is for you. I can’t stress enough how many new writers I run across who are absolutely clueless when it comes to marketing their new books. Simply having it published and placing it on major retailer’s websites will not yield sales. You must become an active participant in the success of your book’s sales. There are many services that can help you. The Urban Fiction Genre is producing many millionaires but you must know how to get the word out or you will be just another unknown published author in the sea of words. A previous post went over some of these marketing strategies but I will go over them again. I have found new information as always I am eager to share.


Urban Fiction Book Flyers

Unlike traditional paper flyers urban fiction book flyers are high-resolution postcards with a gloss finish. They have a picture of your book cover a brief synopsis and purchasing information. This powerful method of marketing gives authors a direct line of advertising to their target audience. It puts something tangible in the hands of your potential readers without you verbally providing a sales pitch. One of the best services out there providing authors and (every type of business owner) flyer designs with local distribution is Blazon Posts. They also offer advertising solutions which include TV marketing. I also had my other website designed by them also. Great customer service and attention to detail. The owner makes sure he brings your vision to life.


Urban Fiction Book Stubs

Book stubs are the size of a business card showing a picture of your book’s cover with a download code for your book. It allows authors to provide one free download of your ebook. Everyone loves free so this service is a great marketing strategy that will allow debut authors a chance to give potential readers or even reviewers a free copy of their book which ultimately leads to word of mouth marketing. Authors can also use book stubs as free giveaways or contest winnings. It helps create a buzz around new titles and can help with getting more attention to your titles. Booktango authors can purchase book stubs as low as $99.


Urban Fiction Press Releases

Many writers underestimate the power of press releases in spreading the word of your new title. Not only is a press release a valuable source of putting the word out there but it can also provide new authors with interview requests, book features and radio interview spots. Many press release services do not cater to the urban fiction genre so many of the genre’s authors are limited in their attempts at marketing. For a well written press release and distribution to major Urban fiction venues check out my service page.

Hope you found these strategies useful and find success implementing them in your urban fiction marketing strategy. Follow my blog Urban Fiction News for more insightful information so you can stay up on the latest happenings on the streets of the urban fiction genre. Don’t forget to like my posts and remember NOW is the time to see your DREAMS come to past!!!!!!


I have decided to write this post specifically for the urban fiction genre because the information is powerful and can change the life of your book and its sales. Many new writers are like fishes out of water. They may know that they want to write and to be recognized for their work but many are not salesmen or even marketing specialist. The many you finish writing your book and decide to have it published you stop being a writer and put on the hat of sales/marketing professional. Below is some information on the power of book reviews and why is important for your marketing campaigns.

What is a Book Review?

I know this is not kindergarten but just for the sake of spelling things out a book review is a first hand opinion on your book from someone who has read it. It’s as simple as that.

Other Peoples Opinions

Follow me for a moment down memory lane it will be a short trip, I promise. When is the last time you bought anything based on the opinion of someone else? Whether it was a home goods item, a service or even movie tickets. If you answer honestly you may find the opinions of others is an important part of many of your buying decisions. No one wants to take a risk on the unknown and when others gives a rave review you are more willing to spend your money. Why is that? Simple actually, a good review from a trusted source leaves you feeling confident you will get value for your dollar. No one wants to spend their hard-earned money on crap!

How Can Book Reviews Help You?

Urban Fiction book reviews can help you in multiple ways the first is it provides a bit of credibility to your novel. The more positive reviews you receive the more willing others are to buy the book also. It’s the best type of marketing, word of mouth marketing. A well written urban novel gives the reader enough drama to keep them talking to everyone that will listen. When others see them reading they ask questions and you want them to rave about it. If you are a reader of urban fiction also you know how powerful word of mouth recommendation are. Look at “Fly Girl” written by Omar Tyree that book literally swept through my high school and into the hands of every other teen girl I knew in the city just from word of mouth.

If you have written an urban fiction tale you need to make sure you get as many reviews as possible on your titles. This is especially important on sites like Amazon because it helps your title rank higher on their search engine. The more visible your title the greater the potential to make sales.  


Book Marketing is one of the biggest challenges for self-published authors. Most of us are usually unsure on what steps they need to take, what is necessary and what is vital to their success. I have decided to dig a little deeper into one of the most under used book marketing strategies which is book trailers. I will discuss what it is and why it is a key component to your book marketing strategy and who I recommend.

What is a Book Trailer?

A book trailer is simply put a 1 to 3 minute book commercial. It provides book buyers and readers with a visual picture of your title and what they can expect from reading your work. It is also a great way to leave an impression in the minds of your potential reader also. Think back to how many commercials you have seen that have left you wanting to buy what was advertised. It’s no different for your target audience.

Why are Book Trailers Important Marketing Tools?

New authors are often lost when it comes to advertising and spreading the word about their books. They often rely on friends and family to purchase copies and don’t go any further. If your plan is to become a well-known author or even to make a part-time or full-time living from your work then you must step up your marketing game. Book trailers gives the author a platform to speak on their behalf. You don’t have to worry about how to tell the world about your book simply refer them to your trailer. Videos are quickly becoming the most popular form of information sharing. Think about how much YouTube has grown over the last few years. People love to see videos on all types of subjects. It also gives you an edge over your competition.

Are Book Trailers Expensive?

The honest truth is that they can be. However, you must know where to go for superior service without a high price tag. Many book trailer designers will charge upwards of $500 for one 3 min book trailer. But like many new authors that may be unrealistic or out of your budget. No worries though I have an affordable, high quality solution which I personally recommend.

Book Trailer Recommendations

As you all know I recently published by book “The No Bull Method to Publishing” and I decided to use a book trailer to help market and promote my ebook. I went with Book Video Creations and only paid $199 for a high quality video I am excited to share. Their customer service was incredible and they even made multiple changes per my request. I was having problems getting the domain name I wanted for my website so I needed them to update and re update my url info which they did pleasantly and without making me feel bad. To check out their work visit my website and click play.



Shakedown: The Church Street District

It’s not often I run across an excellent read. So I was pleasantly surprised at the Shakedown: The Church Street District. It’s a gritty tale that captured my attention from the first page. The story follows a displaced Katrina survivor named Tony who finds success as a night club owner in FL. Things go terrible wrong when Patrick a notorious thug decides to get paid from all of Tony’s hard work.

Tony refuses but finds himself preparing for an all out street war. This fast paced tale is a literary page turner. I couldn’t put the book down and found myself engrossed with each detail. The brutality of the violence is so well written you almost feel sorry for the victims. I loved the story from start to finish. Compelling ending that leaves you wanting more from author Shawn P.Lytle

Shakedown: The Church Street District can be found on Amazon, Barnes & Noble.

The No Bull Method to Publishing: Step by Step Guide to Self-Publishing, Marketing and Promoting Your Fiction

Finally!!!!!!! The No Bull Method to Publishing is finally available.

Everything you need to know about writing, publishing, marketing and promoting your fiction and urban fiction titles. Sometimes the hardest part of recognizing your dreams is knowing where to go or what to do. This small ebook is filled with resources and actual steps on starting your writing journey

The No Bull Method to Publishing eliminates the fluff other how to gurus seem to specialize in. Only real information, real links and real steps to every part of your writing journey.

Your characters have a story to tell and there is a large audience of readers waiting to read and enjoy your story.  Now you don’t have to wonder about what to do next because it’s all in one place. All of your questions answered within the pages of this little E book. Happy writing and remember Now is the Time to have your voice heard! To reach your Full Potential and to share Your Greatness with the World!

Follow the links below to get your own copy! Or visit

I have been going on an urban fiction reading frenzy over the last few weeks. I can’t get enough of quality, well written urban fiction novels. This strong urge to read gritty street tales have me wondering why the genre is gaining momentum.

Urban Fiction is Edgy

Readers can’t get enough because urban fiction is edgy. It’s like an action, romance, suspense thriller wrapped into one title. It also provides readers with a true to life experience in an urban setting. What I love about a good urban fiction is how vivid the details, how dramatic the drama and how absolutely sexy the sex scenes can be.

Vicarious Living through Urban Fiction

Everyone is not cut out to live the fast life of destructive danger. However, it has a compelling lure about people who live it. A good story-teller can take you on the edge of danger and build up enough suspense that you find yourself reading the tale well beyond your normal bedtime. It is because of the unbelievable danger that takes the mind on a mental trip through city streets most people wouldn’t dare go that urban fiction is gaining more and more momentum.

Urban Fiction makes Millions

Writers in the urban fiction genre are gaining more and more recognition and entering into traditional publishing contracts as a result. The growing need to read such sexy dark and dangerous tales has the market thirsty for the next great story-teller. Most urban fiction authors find it better to self-publish and promote their own work as the money is limitless. Sure there is more leg work but the profits are your own. It also provides you with the freedom of untraditional marketing efforts.

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to meet an urban fiction author selling her book at a flea market. Her title had already hit number one on Amazon and she asked for my email for updates to her upcoming events, book signings and new releases etc… As far as I could see she had already had a complete listing of emails and she sold out of the 100 copies she bought with her all but two left on the table. You may say that’s small time but she may have only paid $5 dollars to have those books printed and charged $10 which is 50 % profit. Last I checked she made a cool $1000 in a day. When’s the last time you made that for your creative work?

Because the genre is growing and rapidly it is leaving room for urban fiction authors to reach a hungry audience. With no middle man and creative marketing strategies urban fiction authors are making millions in revenue.

Many traditional publishers offer their authors book tours to help promote, market and introduce the world to a new title. However, self-published authors don’t have the luxury of this type of literary pampering. Book tours are costly events that usually include multiple stops for book signings, radio interviews and or television interviews as well. For writers doing it on their own a book tour is not something that is economically feasible. I was recently introduced to a great alternative. Below is a break down of a Virtual Book Tour

Virtual Book Tour Concept

Virtual book tours are done primarily online. It provides authors with an opportunity to interview with top bloggers in their genre. Generally the blog host has a wide readership so the interview has the potential to be read by thousands. I’ve found that most virtual tour packages provide multiple blog stops over the course of a month or more. (according to your package selection) The concept is basically the same as a traditional book tour but without the jet lag and extended time away from  your family.

Virtual Book Tour Features

I found myself most excited about the features of the virtual book tour. Different companies may provide different features so you must select what’s most important to you. The features that top my list is Facebook and Twitter book parties, Submission to hundreds of book clubs in your genre, book reviews and your book’s title submitted to thousands of newsletters. That is all in addition to your blog stops. The great news is that most of the world’s readers are avid Internet users so your reach is now on a global scale. Another cool features are online radio interviews .

Virtual Book Tour Benefits

There are lots of great benefits to doing a virtual book tour starting with affordability. You’re looking at a price range of $150-$400 for a multi-stop book tour compared to traditional tours that include airfare, food, hotel stays, car rentals in multiple states and a large volume of books that must be ordered to fill demand. Another benefit is the amount of services you receive under that low price. Saving is important to self-published writers who don’t have a large marketing budget. You reach a broader audience as well. Many readers don’t physically go to bookstores for their reads so they may not attend a traditional book signing.

Virtual radio interviews are also great because it allows you to display your interview link on your webpage. This is especially important for potential listeners who may have missed it. You are also being heard by YOUR GENRE’s target audience. Having your book reach its target audience has huge sales potential. The listening audience is already interested in what you write about and they are looking to buy something new. Virtual book tours can also be done from your own home; around your schedule so no running around like a chicken without its head.

If you are an up and coming urban fiction or fiction writer who is looking for maximum exposure without a huge budget consider virtual blog tours. Who can beat a low-cost way to Spread the Word?

Marketing and promoting urban fiction can be fun and exciting as it allows you to experiment with different strategies and marketing avenues. Urban fiction authors got their start simply by selling their work from the back of their vehicles. It’s this hustlers spirit that has changed the game and put a lot of unknown authors at the top of the book selling list. Urban fiction authors can’t think inside of the box as the urban story is not your traditional fiction. Characters are bigger than life, filled with attitude and follow their own unconventional paths to success. Below is a list of

Street Vendors

Many unconventional avenues for marketing urban fiction includes connecting with local street vendors in your area to have them sell your works of fiction at their booths. Don’t be afraid to offer deep discounts or even half off. Consider it an investment. Though you want to make money with your new urban fiction title you first need to get your name out. Having your book sold to street vendors at half price will allow them to push the sales of your book, which gets you a little recognition and they can make a little money charging full price. If the book does well the vendor will contact you for more copies.

Word of Mouth

Many traditional publishers know that word of mouth marketing is the best marketing there is. This is especially true in the urban fiction genre. Readers of street lit pass good reads around like a cigarette. Don’t be afraid to give a few friends at work a copy of your book for free. Tell them its ok to pass it along if they find they like it. Pretty soon your book will be circulating around the unofficial book club better known as your job. If you have friends and family who love the genre give them a copy or two for free and have them pass it along to their circle of friends. When readers start talking about books others rush to get in on the action. Word of mouth marketing has made many a millionaire. Look at Justin Bieber (A YouTube success turned multi-millionaire)

African-American Bookstores

The urban fiction genre has come up so quickly that it is now the bread and butter for a lot of bookstores including large retailers. Connect with a few local bookstores in your area to see if they would be willing to stock your book on their shelves. Inform them of your marketing strategy and that you will be willing to include their store name and address on some of your marketing materials. This will make them more confident about saying yes. Store owners want better yet need to make sales to keep their doors open to the public. The best sales strategy is to show the buyer what they stand to gain from your product or service. In this case they stand to gain free advertising, a great new product with a hungry audience.


Poster ads are great visual methods to getting the word out about your book. Book posters should have a cover shot of your book with information on where it is sold. Placement of your poster ad is key to your success. High foot traffic is good but high foot traffic in urban areas is better. You want to place your poster ads in locations were your reader frequents. Subliminally people remember reading things they see on a daily basis. Bus terminals, corner stores, night clubs are all great locations and generally get high foot traffic in urban areas. In todays tech-savvy world people are able to google your title or go direct to Amazon to order and read the ebook version of your book instantly.

No matter how you get the word out about your new book think creatively. This always pays off in the end. One of my many mantra’s says that if I can sell another man’s product I can damn sure sell my own.