
Urban Fiction News magazine has officially been launched and if you would like to continue receiving its newsletter please visit and hit subscribe. It has more reviews, more company spotlights, more writing resources than ever before. Thanks for all of your support and look forward to seeing you all there.

Authors looking to gain more exposure can also place affordable ads on the site, become a featured author or learn about the most effective marketing and publishing solutions for you and your work.

KCflyer You are all cordially invited to join me on the Literary Showcase Jan, 27th with your host The Master Communicator Sharon Jenkins. We are celebrating urban fiction!!! I will be sharing trade secrets, what I have learned on my literary journey and from helping fellow writers. I am looking forward to seeing everyone there!!!!

The interview will be from 8:30 pm to 9:15 anyone with a Google+ or YouTube account can participate. Thanks in advance.


Q: Your story “The Quest within Me” has touched me in such a way that I wanted to speak with you. How did you come to the conclusion that you needed to work on finding both your own definition of peace and happiness?

A: Figuring out what peace and happiness meant to me was the beginning of my quest. Before a person can arrive at a final destination, they have to figure out where they are going. This is why I believe a person cannot have peace and/or happiness in their life until they define what these things mean to them. I spent years trying to find joy in my life from material things, status, and finally relationships. After years of searching for happiness in those places I was left with a sense of emptiness in my life. It was not until I looked inside myself that I began finding the answers I badly desired.

Q: Many individuals find themselves in a lost place, a place that doesn’t make much sense in life. Did you experience an epiphany or moment that clicked and you said “now this is all making sense to me?”

A: Prior to moving to Maryland, I always kept myself busy. Keeping myself occupied with work, parties, etc. allowed me to ignore inner feelings I badly needed to address and/or let go. It was easier for me to ignore these feelings than to confront them. Once I moved to Maryland almost immediately things fell apart with the woman I was seeing at that particular time, I was not working, and I was all alone. I’ll be honest with you; this was a very depressing time for me. During this period, I read a bible verse that really spoke to me. Matthew 5:8 “Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God.” For me, the verse meant in order to walk the path God intends for you one must clear hate, anger, fear from his/her heart. It’s funny to me how I thought the universe was punishing me for something because of the situation I was placed in, but being isolated from everyone and everything was exactly what I needed to discover what was preventing me from having peace and happiness in my life.

Q: I think what resonated with me was the moment in your journey that caused you to speak with your father. You came to him in such a nonjudgmental way and started off the conversation with I forgive you for. To me that was extremely powerful because when we are hurt we often point a defensive finger at the wrong-doer. How difficult was it for you to go to your father and confess your ill feelings?

A: You brought up a great point about not being judgmental. Many people do not realize things they have done affect others in the way that it does, so a lot of times a person won’t even realize they are a wrong-doer. We as a people (me included) have to work on addressing issues as they occur and not waiting days/months/years.  Also, we must address these issues without judging and pointing fingers, which is easier said than done.

It was very difficult for me to finally speak with my father, which is why I avoided having that conversation for so long. I knew it needed to be done, so I finally did it. A lot of times people will express their feelings to another and because the wrong-doer does not apologize in the manner the person believes he/she should, this person never truly forgives the wrong-doer. This is why I wanted to start my conversation off by forgiving my father. I felt just how powerful this gesture was immediately. I mean instantly my face was covered in tears.

Q: What lesson or lessons would you say you’ve learned the most from? Though your journey came to a conclusion in your book would you say in some ways you are still on that journey?

A:  Life is always teaching us something. Granted, every lesson will not be life changing, but each day has the potential to produce multiple positive takeaways.

Every lesson in The Quest Within Me was unexpected. I started off with only four stories, and every few days/months something significant would happen. I kept writing and next thing I knew I completed a book, so the book may have concluded but the journey will continue to go on. I actually began working on another Non-Fiction book called My Quest to Love. Readers are really going to connect with this book because it’s an in-depth look into relationships from knowing exactly what you are looking for in a counterpart to actually being in the relationship.

Q: I know that the Quest within Me is your debut non-fiction book but can readers expect to see any fiction in your literary lineup?

A: There is an idea I’ve played around with in my head, and I really wanted to do something with it. I shared my pitch with a few close friends and they all said, “You need to write that book!!” Needless to say, I will make this project happen.

Q: Where can readers find a copy of your debut non-fiction or contact you for questions or book club discussions?

A: The Quest Within Me is available for purchase online @,,, and/or iTunes. I will be sure to attach the links below along with my contact information.

Before we wrap up this interview I want to express my most sincere appreciation. Even though you don’t normally review Non-Fiction you made an exception for my book, and that meant the world to me. Thank You!!


Barnes and Noble:


Twitter: Mrdanieldavis_h

InstaGram: DannyBoy_Davis



For everyone who didn’t catch my article on 5 Reasons you need a Book Publicist I have decided to interview one of the publicity firms that I wrote about which was Makeda Smith with Jazzmyne PR

Q: When reading your bio I was extremely impressed with you and your desire to fight the odds. Being a woman and a single mother what caused you to start your own PR firm?

Thank you ~  I initially started my own agency for two reasons – the first being my father was self-employed and he instilled within me to ‘always work for yourself – be your own boss.’  The second reason is at the time – my oldest daughter ( now 31 ) was five or six years old – and I wanted to spend more quality time with her and be home with her more.

Q: Your business started at home and is about to celebrate over 20 years of being a successful home based Public Relations Firm. What would you attribute your success too? 

We are actually celebrating 25 years now! I attribute the longevity to my tenacity, perseverance and faith. I also follow the rule of giving clients more than what they pay for!

Q: What would you say to authors looking for marketing solutions or a good publicist but think its outside of their reach?

Well my first thought is to change your mindset – nothing is outside of your reach these days!  With that in mind, Google is one of the greatest resources on the planet – start there and do your research!  Many of my clients have found me via a Google search!

Q: What types of services does Jazzmyne Public Relations offer?

Our agency specializes in generating publicity – which is creating media exposure on the client’s behalf.  Publicity is important for long-term branding.

Q: What big name celebrities have you worked with?

In the realm of 25 years it’s been many – our roster has included Jamie Foxx, Mo’Nique and Dorien Wilson, Kevin Eubanks, Michael Baisden, Laila Ali, Raven Symone, Cheryl Pepsii Riley, Vivica Foxx, J. Anthony Brown, Anna Nicole and the list goes on and on …..


Q: Does your PR firm work with authors?

Yes!  We love our independent authors as well!  We assist them with getting ‘the word’ out about their new publications and create a media voice for them.

Q: Where is your business going in the near future?

It has been 25 long years and I am extremely grateful for them.  For the future, I’m just looking to continue to provide excellent and affordable pr services to those in need of them.

Q: How can authors and companies looking for quality public relations service find you. 

Our website is A sampling of our work with authors can be found at .

We are also on Facebook at Jazzmyne Public Relations and Twitter @makedaqueen.  They can also email us at

Thank you so much to Urban Fiction News for the interview! Blessings ~

It’s Not Worth It

Posted: December 10, 2013 in Uncategorized

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It’s Not Worth it is a young girl’s tale of reckless behavior and often brutal experiences.  It follows the life of Cameron and her crew of beautiful Divas. Cameron and her friends hold the city’s title for baddest chicks around with their pick of any man they lay eyes on. However, they often find themselves lusting after other women’s men.

It’s no different for Cameron especially when the one man she desires the most has recently tied the knot. Never one to back away from a challenge she finds herself offered the opportunity of a lifetime. Continue on the path of immoral behavior or walk the straight and narrow. Not everything that glistens is gold. Will Cameron learn this lesson before it is to late?

I loved how well this story flows and the amount of drama keeps the pages turning. The author gives you a clear picture of how dangerous life can be as it relates to matters of the heart. It’s Botta Bing’s debut novel with a  Christmas release date. Just in time to cozy up with a cup of hot chocolate and a blanket. Don’t wrap to tight though cause this story will have your blood boiling by its end.

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Just like the name implies a publicist’s sole responsibility is to publicize your work or build your brand. They are the reason celebrities become famous. They are the behind the scenes workers getting interviews, spreading buzz worthy tales and making sure the people who moves and shakes have you in their direct line of vision. How does this relate to an author? Very simple without a great product, a marketing plan and enough buzz created around your book it will become a pretty little wall flower on a wall filled with wall flowers. An added benefit is that most book publicist will read your book and if they are sold on it they are adamant about pushing your success. What can a publicist do for you that you can’t do for yourself? Well unless you have a long list of contacts and industry insiders you can call in favors on than they can do a great deal. I hope to give you five reasons why you need a book publicist and in true Urban Fiction News style I will provide you with a list of publicist that are specific to the urban fiction genre.

Reason #1 You Need a Book Publicist to take you From Unknown to Known

Self published authors have the disadvantage of not having a large big named publisher to fall back on. It’s easier to gain the attention of industry insiders when you have a large traditional publisher backing you. However, a disadvantage can also be an advantage because once you show the big boys you know how to sell your book the potential to be picked up by the big boys is much greater. That could mean higher advance checks and companies fighting for Your attention. The publicist will put you or your work in front of the world giving you more exposure. The great news is their job is to make you known/famous.

Reason #2 A Book Publicist has Connections

We have all heard that it’s not what you know but who you know. Well if that’s true many of us wouldn’t go far on our own. The most valuable aspect of a publicist’ job is networking and building relationships with media outlets. The author doesn’t have to know anyone personally as their representative puts them in front of their long list of contacts. That alone is valuable. How many authors are interested in hunting down folks to talk about their book? I know I am not (but I will) With a publicist you won’t have to. They get you interviews threw newspaper, magazine and radio or TV. They also create campaigns that will generate a buzz around you the author and the book.

Reason #3 A Book Publicist Help with Reviews

As I’ve said before book reviews are the literary gold of the book world. Having quality book reviews on retail sites can make or break your book. Word of mouth marketing can make your book a top seller. A publicist is able to get your book in the hands of reviewers by sending out review copies.They locate popular bloggers in your genre, from media resources and get your book in their hands. One great review can take you from an unknown to a known.

Reason # 4 Book Publicist Create Detailed Ad Campaigns

Many self-published authors may find it overwhelming to market their own work. When you employ the services of a book publicist they not only locate the best ad campaigns but do the ad placements for you. Many will tell you that not only is important to increase your books’ visibility through interviews etc… but also to have your book displayed prominently throughout the places readers of your genre are located. Your book cover should be placed on multiple sites for maximum exposure.

Reason #5 Social Media Should Be a Book Publicist’s Specialty

The world of marketing has changed so greatly that having an online presence is vital to your book’s success. You must know how to work the social media platform to get ahead. Many publicist are well versed on social media marketing and will use it to their advantage. They create enough buzz that gets Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin etc… discussing your book which ultimately means more book sales.

Below is a list of book publicist that cater to African-American Authors and also to the Self-Published author enjoy!!!

Dawn Michelle Hardy

Gwen Richardson

Heather M. Palmore ESq.

V. Michelle Stephenson

Makeda Smith or

Publicist for the Indie Author

Smith Publicity

Kelley & Hall

Novel Publicity

This is a small amount of publicist resources but if you enjoyed the post don’t forget to like and share with the links provided below.

Remember to Follow for more Urban Fiction News, Reviews and Resources!!!




With the rapidly approaching Re-Release of Platinum Dust (Part One) I’ve decided to let my reading audience in because I value your opinion. I have provided a free preview of my book in the My Book section at the top under Platinum Dust. The first chapter are available there with a warning Adult Content!!. Perfect opportunity for avid urban fiction readers to get a glimpse of my debut urban fiction novel and also for readers wanting to review me!!!! Hope you enjoy and always feel free to let me know what you think!!!

Platinum Dust follows the life of a self-proclaimed playboy Raheim Starz. Raheim is the son of a dead man and the woman who killed him. Kicked out of his home at the age of 11 for looking like his father he is dead set against being like both his parents. He avoids love at all cost and has a woman for every night of the week until his Friday girl Felicia does the unexpected that is. One fateful night in a nightclub will send him down the road of redemption, forgiveness and into the arms of the only woman ready to love him. After the dust settles on Raheim’s platinum life style you will be surprised to see who is the last man standing.

To read the first chapter click my books above and check for Platinum Dust!!!!!! or feel free to click the link below

As always feel free to comment, share or tell me what you think!!!!! Book Trailer provided below


I love a good story especially one that is written by a great storyteller. Two Way Mirrors appeared to be a story of a young woman in love with the typical bad boy but readers soon find out that is all on the surface. The story follows the tale of Angela Delimar a young lady who shares a close bond with her mother, is in love with her incarcerated bad boy and does things she doesn’t care for the world to know. Through a series of events which include deep family secrets and breathtaking brutality Angela finds herself fighting for not only her life but for her sanity. She is in a race to find out the one woman who can expose the truth and help Angela heal but will the ever elusive stranger come from out of the shadows long enough?

I loved how well the story was told. There were scenes that literally had me flipping the pages anxious to know what would happen next. There were also some scenes I could have lived without such as excessive details at the most inappropriate times. Overall I would rank Two Way Mirrors a 4 star **** read and I think it’s a read that doesn’t disappoint. Excited to see what else this author can come up with.

To get your copy today visit the link below

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Q: You were at one point a teacher which is very different from being the owner of a well-known publishing company. What made you change your career path?

I sort of fell into publishing.  I was pregnant at one point during my teaching career and received news that I had to be put on bed rest. That took me by surprise, especially when they said, “Six months!” A family member suggested that I spend my time wisely, by writing a book. I took a stab at it and penned my first novel, “A Life to Remember,” while on bed rest. I had just finished my Masters in Education so it was a bitter-sweet moment when I decided not to go back to the classroom. I created Life Changing Books (LCB) and sold 5,000 copies of my novel so quickly through my distribution channels that I knew, I had embarked on a new career.

 Q: You’re not only the owner but also a successful writer with titles that has gained you much attention. Which of your titles are you most proud of or count as your best work?

My novel ‘Bruised’ is closest to my heart. It’s based on a true story and always makes me feel like I’m watching a Lifetime Movie when I discuss it. It’s gritty yet informative. It’s also a piece of work that doesn’t put me in a box. People of all ages can relate. My most successful title in terms of sales has been “Daddy’s House”. People love sex, drama, and craziness, so I guess it hit the spot. LOL

Q:  Life Changing Books has shaken the urban fiction publishing world with some of the hottest titles around. Did you always know you wanted to own a publishing company?

I never wanted to be a writer or own a publishing company. I’ve always been an entrepreneur even while teaching, so I knew I would always run companies, but not at this level. LCB became successful rather quickly and became my passion even quicker. I began meeting motivated authors like Tiphani , who penned The Millionaire Mistress Series and J. Tremble wrote Secrets of a Housewife early in the company’s history. From there, the company skyrocketed because my authors really wanted to become successful.

Q: Many writers are interested in learning what it takes to be selected by a reputable publishing company. What are you usually looking for in a writer?

We want unique stories. It seems that every book on the shelf is similar to the masses. Also, at LCB we normally look for writers who have researched the industry and know how to do the basics; have a properly formatted manuscript, have a pre-mature marketing plan, and come with the passion to become a best seller.

Q: How many titles has Life Changing Books Publishing Company published so far?

To date, we’ve published 86 titles; 10 of which are National Bestsellers and 1 New York Times Best Seller (Game Over by Winter Ramos).

 Q: What’s next for your company and its league of writers?

We’re super excited over here at LCB.  Some projects we can’t discuss at the moment but will eventually blow your mind. Let’s just say, we haven’t stopped at producing books. We have one book series that is headed for TV.  In addition, a few books have been turned into scripts. There’s so much more. Check out the behind the scenes here.

 Q: Where can fans, readers and writers alike find out more about you and your company?

LCB is everywhere! We love our readers wholeheartedly. Contact us at


Facebook- LCB

IG- @Lcbooks



Black Weblog Awards


As I previously mentioned to all of my faithful followers and friends Urban Fiction News was nominated for an award. The award show was hosted in Texas this year and unfortunately I was unable to attend however, I am very happy to report that I took home the award for the Best Author Blog. Thank you for all of the support everyone. For pictures on the event and to see all of the other winners please visit