Posts Tagged ‘writing tips’

KCflyer You are all cordially invited to join me on the Literary Showcase Jan, 27th with your host The Master Communicator Sharon Jenkins. We are celebrating urban fiction!!! I will be sharing trade secrets, what I have learned on my literary journey and from helping fellow writers. I am looking forward to seeing everyone there!!!!

The interview will be from 8:30 pm to 9:15 anyone with a Google+ or YouTube account can participate. Thanks in advance.

I had the pleasure of doing an interview with TES the author of Sweet Surrender as well as the owner of Best Life Publishing. I hope you enjoy this interview and feel free to reach out to the author

Q: When reading your story the first thing you notice is how quickly Marcus jumps in for the kill so to speak. How did you develop your character Marcus?

The idea for his character came from several sources. I used an experience I had in a previous relationship, as well as feedback I had received from male friends in regard to how men may think and/or act in specific situations. I also referenced some of the encounters in my daily life to capture the essence of Marcus’ character. I listened to the dialogue and observed the behavior of men who reflected the social, cultural and economic demographic of Marcus’ character.

As Marcus evolves in the story, I had to keep in mind that he is a man, but it was important to flesh him out from a more raw space so that his actions, feelings and thoughts were not exclusively associated with his gender. I wanted readers to see Marcus as a person, not just as a man entangled in dilemmas of his own making.

Q: Carolyn’s character is a bit reserved in the romance department but it appears as if she has reached a state of enlightenment. When it comes to self-awareness and love were you writing from your own experiences?

Yes, to some extent. I actually decided to use some of my experiences and perspectives from the past and the present to create all of the female characters in this story (Carolyn, Faith, Kathy and Naomi). I wanted to create a balance between these women that would reflect the various ways in which women may behave, think, or feel in different situations and at different stages of maturity and self-awareness in their lives.

Q: You have a very unique writing style that provides the reader with a sense of being taught a lesson as they read. Was that your goal for your first novel?

It wasn’t my goal to teach a lesson. However, I did want to create a story that would not only entertain, but could inspire readers to look at the circumstances of their lives from a different viewpoint, deeper feeling and another way of thinking.

Q: When speaking to other writers I’m always interested in knowing what motivates them to write. What inspires your creativity?

My writing is deeply inspired by my desire to understand how certain aspects of life unfold. I’ve always been fascinated by the dynamics in all types of relationships: social, familial, romantic, and professional.  I love listening to people’s stories, observing human behavior, and finding the way in which all of it is connected at a profound level.

Q: You are also the owner of Best Life Publishing was your decision to become a publisher based on the level of difficulty many first time authors face in the publishing game?

Yes, in part, but I also want to retain creative control of my work and the product/brand I am connected to. There are advantages and disadvantages to both traditional and independent publishing, but ultimately my choice to be independent was based on the long-term goals I have for myself and Best Life Publishing.

Q: What is your advice to aspiring writers looking to make it in the publishing world?

Well, I’m fairly new to this business, but what I’ve learned so far is that authors must take the time to learn about the publishing industry in addition to studying and becoming skilled at their craft. No matter what publishing route an author may take, once a book is written there is another level of work and commitment required to get it out there. A large portion of a book’s success is based on word-of-mouth, so it’s key not only to write a good story, but to know what it takes to connect to—and build—the audience who’ll be receptive to your story. Patience, diligence, and the ability to adjust to changing dynamics will help an author endure the many challenges that will arise.

Q: What can readers expect from TES in the future?

Presently, I’m working on my next novel. This story will explore the emotional and behavioral patterns of five generations of women within one family, and uncover how of each of their individual experiences are connected and repeated throughout the family lineage. I plan to publish this story by fall 2013.

So I have been a way for a while (well actually I had unexpected surgery) and as a result I have a lot of free time on my hands. Free time usually means more time to read and I am beginning to notice a central theme. The theme is an uprising of horrible storytelling. There is a growing collection of new authors who write in the way of my youngest four-year old niece and then, and then and then. It is this style of writing that blatantly tells the reading audience that the writer is in fact a non reader. I never realized this before now that a great master of words learns from other master storytellers. How else can one learn to avoid the dreaded and then?

I am a sucker for a good back story and I think every character should strike a chord within its reader. It is the development of your character that compels me to turn the page. The tide of your words should pull me in and the ebb and flow of your plot should gently than tumultuously carry me to a heart stopping waterfall. Once I have been dropped from the height of your story I should then drift to shore where I am free to think over my reading experience.

A true writer understands that its book cover is the bait that reels in the reader. You only have a few precious moments to hook me with the first chapter. Once lost I am gone forever and so is any future possibility of me buying another of your titles. My tiny piece of advice for any new and upcoming authors read and then read some more. Fall in love with reading and it will show up in your writing. Master the art of storytelling and you will have a waiting audience happy to receive you.